Cobra’s Western Eyre Peninsula Project in South Australia consists of three granted tenements (EL 6966, 6967 & 6806) and one tenement application covering a total of 3,895 km2.

The tenement package covers some ~2,000 km2 of the Narlaby, Yaninee and Thulga palaeochannel systems which are considered prospective for both sandstone-hosted uranium and for further ionic REE mineralisation as defined at the Boland Project.

Similar geological mechanisms dictate REE and uranium mobilisation through the palaeochannel systems where economic occurrences may be recoverable through low-cost, low disturbance ISR mining.


  • Re-assay of historical samples from the Kattata prospect returned intersections enriched in HREOs with grades between 512 ppm to 1,090 TREO (MREO 20-32%, HREO up to 23%)
  • Highest grades of REE mineralisation occur proximal to and below sandstone hosted uranium mineralisation at the Kattata prospect, where re-analysis confirms historical intersections of up to 271 ppm U3O8
  • Re-assaying of historical samples supports initial geological assessments for a scalable, low-cost sourcing of MREOs and HREOs by ISR mining

Next Steps

Cobra’s exploration strategy to demonstrate scale to the Boland Project incorporates uranium testing and targeting, because the controls that drive ionic REE mineralisation are likely to be maximised in front of REDOX (roll-front) boundaries. Further work will include:

  • Confirming the regional scalability of ionic REE mineralisation within the Narlaby, Yarranna, Corrobinnie and Yaninee palaeochannels.
  • Reviewing historical drillhole data including downhole geophysics (gamma)
  • Improving roll-front models and identifying roll-front extensions for the Yarranna South East prospect
  • Further re-assaying of historical samples to validate historical uranium results and identify ionic REE mineralisation
  • Evaluate spatial relationships between uranium and potential ionic REE mineralisation to advance dual resource growth capable of being recovered through ISR mining
  • Define and prioritise targets for follow-up AC drilling subsequent to the company gaining native title, landholder, and regulatory approvals

Exploration Licences:

Streaky Bay, Pureba, Kallipura, Yellabinna (application)

Licence Area:

3,895 km2


Palaeochannel Ionic Rare Earths, Sandstone Hosted Uranium

Maps & Sections